
A little nervous about college?

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I start college on Monday and am a bit nervous. I'm not really sure what to expect, what to bring or what to wear. Any advice?




  1. I hope you've got things packed... if you aren't living at home. Wear comfortable clothes, there's nothing like being in a boring lecture wearing something very uncomfortable. Wear sneakers if your campus is large. Keep a smile on your face to welcome new friends into your life. Don't let the little things stress you out. Have fun.

  2. u shuldnt  be nervous at all anywhere u go live in an area with ppl such as a dorm then you will fall in a group of friends and bond and stuff then u will live in an apartment the next year with them  

  3. Just be urself :)

    the first bit is a little shaky but once u noe everyone its all good :) just bring as much stuff as you can better safe than sorry

  4. It's weird to start at first, but remember that everyone there is just as nervous as you, maybe even upperclassmen.

    College isn't really that scary, so don't sweat it. It might seem intimidating and unbelievable at first, but once you get used to seeing your teachers and classmates, you'll be fine.

    Act like yourself, dress like yourself, and be yourself. People can usually tell if you're being fake, so just act natural.

  5. be yourself. every freshman feels the same way you do. in the first few weeks, its not even weird for random freshman to start talking to each other because EVERYONE is looking for friends.

    but definitely relax, have fun:)

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