A little over a year ago, I was at a slumber party with my two best friends. I brought my ouija board over, though I didn't think it'd work because I had attempted to use it for over 2 years, but failed.
We started off with a protection prayer and placed our hands on the planchett. We kept repeating "Is there anyone present in the room" a couple dozen times. After about ten minutes, the planchett moved to "Yes." We began asking questions. We found out the spirit was supposedly a young boy who died in a car crash in the 50s.
Later, we went back and tried again in another room. To be sure we were speaking with Peter (the boy's name) we asked the questions that we had asked before. The answers that we recieved the second time were invalid, because the deathdate was before the birthdate. Suddenly, the room began to grow dark and the candles flickered. We looked to the doorway of the room and saw for a second a small boy with red hair.
Your opinions please.