
A little to much oral?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my boyfriend had oral last night and he did me for about an hour and today im really tender and it burns when I urinate also im really red around the edges.




  1. Must be nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    But yeah you could've had too much if your all red and it burns to pee then I'd say let him lay off for a few days..

    Bet you weren't complaining about it last night though.

    Good luck

  2. you go girl!

  3. i dono man.. lol

  4. What is your question?

    you could have a bladder infection or a yeast infection

  5. Yep, those would be the symptoms of a friction burn. At any rate, while I commend your boyfriend's fortitude, this activity would go easier on both of you if he increased his skill, and/or you increased your receptivity. For example:

    He may be acting too repetitively down there. Have him try "the alphabet" for variety?

    Try talking dirty to him while he does the deed. Run your fingers through his hair. Make certain to express how you feel: move/grind your hips and allow yourself to moan. That will indicate to him what approaches work better than others and allow him to work out what really drives you wild!

    Allow your imagination to envelope you. I have found it is hard for me to o****m if my mind is blank. It is hard for me not to if I allow my mind to wander and explore lecherous thoughts.. combined with a skilled kisser between my legs; and I am done for! ^__^

    I hope this helps sweety.

  6. jeez did he literally eat?

  7. Dear Princess,

    It is good he gave you an our of special attention. The thing here is he doesn't know how to do oral s*x to you. I say this for two reasons. First, if he went for that long and you didn't o****m either you are made of stone or he really was hurting you all along and you just put up with it. If you had had an o****m, you would have been very sensitive and could not have been able to allow him to continue. Perhaps he was hurting you so bad you think it was very long when it really was not.

    In any case the thing is you need to train him on how to do it right. Doing oral on a girl is almost an art that comprises three things to do it right; 1. Before you start you must understand that this is the time to please her, not you. 2. Pay attention to her to know what works for her, since the goal is to get HER to o****m. and 3. Learn the proper approach to use on each part of her body.

    Lets see for what it is.

    First of all, he should shave well or ensure not to use his face in a way that his facial hair has too much contact with your delicate parts. Facial hair could cause severe irritation or lacerations to the soft tissues of the v****a and/or thighs. Next, he should use his tongue more than his sucking abilities. He should use his tongue on your labia and clitoris, they are very delicate. He should use his sucking on your inner thighs and around the v****a more than on your clitoris. He should try caressing your b*****s or butt with his hands while he has his head bussy between your legs. When he uses his tongue have him use very light contact, almost as he is not touching you, this will give you a very satisfying feeling without causing any pain. He can use his fingers inside your vigina or a**s to stimulate you even more by caressing your 'G' spot or the thousands of nerve endings in you anal area.

    You are who can let him knows what is good or not to you. let him know with your moans/movement or just plain say don't do it this or that way. If he still can't get it right have him contact me with his questions for me to answer.

  8. Congrats!!

    If he was a little rough, you could just have some irritation. I wouldn't worry quite yet. If the pain continues after 3 days or so, I would consult your doctor (or free clinic).
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