
A local farmer wants to cut my fields for hay, how much do i charge him?

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A local farmer wants to cut my fields for hay, how much do i charge him?




  1. depends on the acreage and what type of hay it is.  Have you maintained your fields?  Alfalfa is the highest priced.  But I would check, after figuring out what hay you have, (also if you seeded and limed your fields),  ask neighboring farmers, and check out your local pennysavers or sale sheets of that nature.  Also depends on your location.  ie:  New York, PA, etc.

  2. if you have fields to hay thats good , can't you get farmland assestment for your property if you make a certain amout of money off the land each year ,usually like 500 or something .nice way to drop property taxes .

  3. around here if a farmer cuts the hay using his equipment and time we get 1/3 of the crop we dont deal in money so you can do that and then sell the hay for 2-3 dollars a bale if they are square bales and get your money for that

  4. if you don't NEED or plan to use the hay at all, and he's doing the work, and using his machine and gas, you'd be well off to thank him very much for cutting your fields and giving him the hay fer free!.... keep a guy like him happy and handy.. you'll need him as a friend one day!!!.... he might return the favor by hauling off a downed tree or helping you build something you need in the future...

    and since I doubt you've got one of the great grasses like Timothy growing on a wild field, be a nice guy and just say thanks.........

  5. Usually the land owner gets a percentage of the value of the hay, either in hay or cash.  You can negotiate with your neighbor for one third up to one half if the crop is heavy and a valuable type such as alfalfa or clover mix.

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