A look at the side effects of steroids for Bodybuilders
Steroids use is a very common practice in the world of bodybuilding. People get inspired by the competitions and popularity of the bodybuilders but most of the people don’t take any proper prescription from any qualified doctor. They only see the increased
muscles and strength. It has been noticed that direct use of steroids can do some real damage. There have been deaths reported and some serious illness from the use of these drugs. This is why the use of anabolic steroids is banned in many countries.
Anabolic steroids make you lift heavier weights from what is actually possible in physical terms but sometimes they destroy muscles and tendons. Torn muscles and ruptured tendons are commonly found problems. Some other direct problems related with
the use of anabolic steroids in males are liver dysfunctionality, baldness, breast tissue enlargement, decreased testosterone levels, decreased sperm production level, acne, elevation of cholesterol, high blood pressure etc. These are few problems which occur
with the males.
However after discontinuing the use of steroids the side effects can be reversed, except breast tissue enlargement and atrophy of the testicles, in males. The use of these drugs also enhances the level of aggression, depression, irritability etc.
Use of anabolic steroids also disturbs the immunity level but unfortunately this problem can only be seen after stopping the use of steroids. Some other negative effects include the possibility of Hepatitis B and AIDS through sharing the needles. Some
of these drugs relate to cancer as well. Heart attacks, strokes and blood clots in lungs have also been reported as direct side effects of the steroids.
The anabolic steroids also increase the level of bad cholesterol and reduce the level of good cholesterol, and the liver dysfunction is one of the most common problems reported.
When it comes to women, the side effects are a bit different. For example increase in the vocal cords resulting in a manly voice. Other side effects which occur in the females are acne, facial hair growth, baldness on the male pattern and enlargement
of the clitoris. The worst part in the female section is that all these steroid side effects are irreversible in their case.
Some of the common side effects of steroids in both male and female are increased level of aggression, anxiety, depression, panic disorders, and it also alters the libido level.
Many sports athletes have pledged guilty for the use of these anabolic steroids. Most of the people after having all the information, and knowing about the dangerous side effects, start using them. However it is a very dangerous practice to do as one
has to risk him/herself.
Many companies normally sell steroids by saying that they are of no harm. On the other side some people are betrayed by the sellers and they make them start using steroids without knowing, as they are not sold directly or are sold by a supplements
Upon investigation, there have been more than 3,000 drugs founds, being sold in the black markets, which are not even approved. They have been found similar to the veterinary drugs and also untested. Many bodybuilding food supplements also have been
found lying under this.
The side effects that have been described above are not immediate and also vary from person to person. But definitely a sudden growth of muscles can cause side effects. Bodybuilding can be done otherwise with good diet to have the calories level up
to a certain required mark.