
A lot has been documented about crabby pregnant women. Are there any pregnant women that are absolutely...?

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lovin it?

I enjoyed every moment except for the last two weeks of my pregnancies and the first ten or so when morning sickness was around.

I even stuck my belly out, sang to my unborn baby and just absolutely adored my burgeoning belly. My daughter is now pregnant and she seems so distant from the whole process, like she doesn't seem to realise what a miracle she is carrying around inside her.

Was I just overly joyous or have these big and beautiful feelings also attacked some of you mothers to be?




  1. I loved it when I first got pregnant, it was a joy to me knowing I was bringing a new life into this world.

    When my daughter got pregnant it was like that with her too.

  2. I'm ten weeks and I'm not crabby and actually quit happy cause I'm excited.

  3. Every pregnancy is different and every person has different experiences with being pregnant.  Personally I had a breeze for a pregnancy with my first.  I really didn't feel pregnant at all with her.  I enjoyed it as you say you enjoyed yours... I am now 40 weeks with my second and this pregnancy has been entirely diffrent.  I spent the first six months with wicked morning sickness... anything and everything made me really sick.  I had about a three weeks of relief after that and since then have dealt with infections almost non stop as well as a lot of different pressures and pains... I had another stint of nausea from about 33 weeks to 37 weeks... It's not that I haven't enjoyed being pregnant this time, but it has been difficult and has definately played a role in my mood...

    Don't worry too much about your daughter... her pregnancy could be WAY different then yours as well as the fact that it is a struggle for someone to deal with the many changes in their body.

  4. Up until the time I was put on bed rest it was the best thing that ever happened to me, been on the rest for almost a whole month now and with one month to go I am desperately searching for something to keep me from going nuts.

  5. I never felt better my whole life as I did when I was pregnant, I loved it!

  6. I felt like c**p in my first semester, exhausted, sick, and just crappy.  My 2nd semester I felt fantastic and I loved being pregnant and really revelled in it.  My 3rd trimester I was a bit over it all and just wanted her to be out, but I still enjoyed it.  I was only crabby in general if I was in a stressed moment.  Like if it was really hot or when I was really hungry and I was no where near food....that made me crabby really quickly lol.  Or when my husband griped about something reaaaaaly trivial...I was like get over it, I'm pregant!  lmao

  7. I loved my pregnancies, full of anticipation and excitement.

    Sometimes, the circumstances surrounding the pregnancy cloud the wonder of life.

    Talk to your daughter.  Tell her about your feelings back then, and ask her to share hers now.

  8. I was so happy when I was pregnant!  It was such an exciting and fun time... I can't wait to get pregnant again!

    I truly believe that every child is a blessing and the entire ordeal is in fact a miracle... so yes, I believe that she probably doesn't understand or grasp the full concept of what is going on in there.

    Even if you're not a faith driven family, just the science of it is still amazing!

    Its all about attitude!

  9. I'm not saying that I didn't have inconveniences and ills. But I loved being pregnant. I stopped having those awful thoughts that spring up sometimes. I felt like no matter what everything was going to be alright. I giggled when I got emotional, or nauseated. Even the swelling at the end, though painful still made me smile, because I WAS GOING TO HAVE A BABY!

    I loved my big ole belly...the bigger it got the happier I got...I've even got nude photos to prove how proud I

    I waddled around smiling and happy. I hope I get the opportunity to experience it again.

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