
A lot of People are against/for Hillary Clinton why?

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I have heard of a lot of people who are against or for Hillary and when I ask why they do not have any reasons why they are against her or even why they are for her. I'm not for her for my own reasons, but I am curious as of why other people are for or against her.




  1. because shes a socialist

  2. Then you haven't been reading the answers or are blinded to them.  I've seen hundreds of specific answers as to why they think she is a very bad idea.

  3. A lot of men with short schwanzes are petrified of her. One guy says she is part of a Wal-Mart scheme so, Hilary, China and Wal-Mart will run the world.

    I cannot figure out why only Democrats say anything to get elected. seems distorted doesn't it?????

  4. a very angry person, and mean also is a socialist

  5. On most issues i'm a replublican, having said that i almost want to vote democrat this time if the right candidate comes along.  However that candidate is not Senator Clinton.  I use her title to make a point here.  This country does not respect the woman or else they would show her the respect of using a title.  Most of the time we don't even use her full name, it's just 'hilary'.  What scares me though is that I believe that she can win (because her name is so well knowns and people vote for who they 'know' whether they 'know' them for not) and that is a really un-nerving thought since my life is directly affected by who holds that office.  The reason we don't respect the Clintons as a nation is because they won't stand up for ANYTHING.  I respected the office President Clinton held and his stance econmically wasn't bad, however as a commander n cheif he was horrendous.  If you knew me I would look you dead in the eye and say 911 could have been prevented or at least put off a good while had our leader been willing to step up.  We let them attack our embassy's and the Cole with only air strikes?  This is a 3rd world country, their econmy was based in drug trafficing, most of the building are hunts and plywood villages, like air strikes were going to do anything. They just pick up camp and go ten miles down the road and start again.  We saw statllite images of them doing just that, it didn't hurt them or send any message at all.  We should have been boots on the ground after the Cole.  That was an act of war and we did next than nothing.  Mogadishu was also handled in the same lack of leadership.  Since when does a peacekeeping nation let someone kill 19 of there soldiers and turn tail and run?  What did that say to the world and to the families who lost guys.  "Oh we thought we'd be nice but since you don't want us here and our leader doesn't believe in anything, since the commander of our nation doesn't believe in the mission he sent our soldiers to do we'll just leave."  Told the world all they need to is kill some soldiers and we'd flee like a dog with it's tail between it's legs. I think the way Mogadishu was handled set the stage for the Cole attack. That said I'm not saying that a woman can't do the job as our leader but I personally don't think the country is ready for it yet, and I don't believe the right woman for the job has come along yet.

  6. Against Hillary because she is a Socialist.

  7. i liked bill............................     hilary is takeing away our rights  just like BUSH,    she is trying to  limit our rights to bare  arms...  by trying to  enforce  a arsonal license     limit our guns to 20    our ammo  to 1,000 rounds...............   who the f@$k is she....

  8. I like her programs on children, her recent attention to what she'll do for autistic people (recent upgraded by department of education statistics to show occuring in 1 in every 67 kids) and I truly believe that she'll be more focused on getting our nation back in shape.  Bill is undisputably an economic genius (compare his educational acheivements to dubbya's!) and I think he'll really help her to turn the economy back around in this country.

  9. Hillary Clinton is being attacked by many people because she has the most number of fundraisers which she inherited from Bill Clinton.

    VOTE for your choice as US President on my 360 degrees blog and know if Hillary will likely win.

  10. I am against her because she hates America...

    She wants to ruin our health care systems.

    She wants to ruin our economy through socialism.

    She want to kill unborn children.

    She want to destroy marriage.

    And the list could go on and on...

  11. this is what i dislike about hillary:

    she has no principles. her stances are based on what is popular at the time, and she phrases her statements in a way that she can change her mind if it becomes politically necessary.

    her views seem to lean towards socialism, meaning if she has her way we will see lots of taxes to subsidize lazy, welfare types.

    the most annoying thing to me about hillary is that she could possible win even though most people i know who support her do so for reasons like this "i dont know, i just like her" or "its time for a change" or "we need a woman president" or "i like her stances on issues"(and then cant name one)

    bottom line she is a straight up power hungry politician who will say anything to get votes and it is all based on polls.

  12. She is a pure power-hungry politician!

  13. I am against her because in my view she is a totalitarian socialist, gun grabber internationalist.  It is really simple for me: If a candidate advocates for anything that is not EXPLICITLY authorized in the Constitution of the United States of America then I am not for them. It does not matter how 'good' or 'nice' or what have you the idea is: If it is not in the Constitution then it is not a legitimate function of the Federal Government.  And Clinton..well she probable has not read that great document since about 1970 or so.  Thus I am against her. Of course to be fair I am against all but ONE other candidates, of both parties--he has 'two first names'.  Take a guess.

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