
A lot of baby talk with my husband?

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Well actually we baby talked before we got married and we like it lol .. We do it back and forward is this normal?

I talk like a little spoiled girl to him and he does the same its kind of embarrassing but its the true ha ha... We spoiled each other a lot with lots of love and kisses




  1. It sounds like sexual play, role playing. After you have a real live baby you won't know how to communicate.

  2. I'm embarrassed and I don't even know you. Creepy.

  3. My husband and I have never talked baby talk.  If you guys like it, go ahead.   But just do it in private.  I'm not sure how many people would understand.  

  4. Just do it in private, so it can be something intimate between both of you.  

  5. Been married 17 years, We don't baby talk but we do spoil each other like crazy. We do have nick names for each other.

    I have called her my baby doll, my honey bun,

  6. I think its a little silly to talk baby talk to an adult. It means that you can't relate to that person on an adult level or they make you regress for some reason. Try stopping it for a week or two and see where the relationship goes from there.

  7. Nah. There's nothing wrong with it.  

  8. Yah so what's the problem?  Sounds like you guys are schmoopy and are you writing to brag? :-P

    Happy silliness.

  9. ya i think that's normal..its like your own little spacial thing with him.  that's cute..(i think)  its your own way of loving him and i'm sure you don't talk like that to any body else.

  10. I guess...

    Whatever floats your boat.

  11. What ever you two do behind closed doors is totally up to you and none of our business out here. Its actually more than we needd to know but just as long as you two are truly happy and in agreement with this, more power to you both and keep it going

  12. lol i think its cute

    and yes it is normal well for alot of men it is.

    men tend to treat their women like princess' so when they baby talk its a form of enderment, and of course us as women do it as well.

    i think its normal <33

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