
A lot of blood after i wiped my bum, should i be concerned?

by  |  earlier

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i just had a bowel movement and when i wiped i saw that there was blood on the toilet paper, like nothing but blood. so i wiped again there was a little more then i wiped and there was less but what concerns me is that i passed my bowels with ease..i did start working out more which someone told me sometimes(rarely) causes do i need a doc or just to wait a couple days




  1. you need softer toilet paper  

  2. I would monitor it everytime you got to the loo, but I'd advise you to go to ur GP cos it could be something serious. Try not to worry though, it might be nothing

    Also, if your erm...excretions come out black or a tarry colour, then see your doctor immediately because that signifies bleeding higher up in your colon and is quite serious. Could it be hemorrhoids? (sorry can't spell it) lol

  3. you need the doc now no i mean now NOW

  4. You have an anal fissure or hemorrhoids.  Get some OTC Anusol or Preparation H until you can see a doctor.  This is kinda common but it's best to get checked out if you have that much blood.  Try to avoid straining or sitting on the toilet for too long.

  5. Could be a number of things. See the doctor.

  6. See a doctor right away!! DON'T Wait! Red blood is usually a problem in the lower colon and very dark stools (made dark from blood) usually indicates something wrong in  the upper regions but there are too many exceptions and varibles. The wrost senario would be colon cancer and if that scares you, Good. It ought to.

  7. Hemorrhoids, fissures, other anal lesions, large intestine disease with bleeding lesions . . . you decide how concerned you are and if you wish to see a doctor. Don't get your medical care from this website.

  8. Wait a few days, like one or two, if it keeps happening go see your doctor. This has happened to me and it stopped the next time. But you have to go see the doctor if it continues because there could be a more serious problem.

  9. You can have piles and they are swollen veins and can tear causing bleeding.Best to see a Dr .


  10. Its probably because your poo is to big! You must eat healthy and lots of fibre for this not t happen is your poo hard and thick and not very long? If so That's why its bleeding because, The anusis being stretched this can reult in colan cancer which is very painful and could cause you to do i would talk to your doctor about tips how you could improve your poo and have a better life style.

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