
A major pep talk is needed?

by  |  earlier

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If you were going back to school and you were afraid of what the others did say about you i mean the rumors and being the quietest person that every body hated what would you do?I mean i am sad about that guy i loved has said i stalked him because i always look at him and he told my friend that i was creepy and stuff and every time i played around with him he took it seriously but he didn't with my cousin he used to be friends with her.Im just mad about everything that happened to me i mean ppl hating my because im the quietest and ever bit of rumors.




  1. Are you still at school? If not, forget about school and all the childish rubbish that goes on there - grow up.

  2. the answer if much easier said than done.  Ignore, ignore, ignore.  Act as if it doesn't bother and also it shouldn't.  Kids always need someone to talk about, but if you don't give ammo then they will move on to the next.  

  3. when something like that happened to me. I just tuned the other people out because if you get angry its obviously getting to you and they will talk about you more. the guy is obviously a jerk, so forget about him.

  4. What's wrong with being quiet?? I think that ignoring the bs is the best approach, but then kids can be quite mean and intrusive- are you required to go to this particular school? Starting fresh may be a good option to lessen the stress of being the target.  

    If you loved the guy though, then he was right in taking you seriously-- you weren't just playing around you were flirting-- don't know that I would call it stalking but whatever! was your cousin in love with him? If they were friends then they were playing around, if she loved him then she would be flirting (or stalking) him also and that would be a little different.

    To get to the point, shake em off! So what you liked a dude that didn't like you, so what he needs to feel important and stalked, so what people are hating, so what people are talking... you must be important and interesting or no one would spend their time talking about you.

    If you want to get back- start your own rumors, let out a secret of your cousin's since it doesn't seem she had your back anyway- this is going to suck for your karma but it's always an option!

    Let them talk and in a few years look around and see who's still standing and more importantly where they're standing-- it will most likely be in their own sh*t!!!  

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