
A man a goat and a wolf..answer this?

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a man a goat and a wolf and a cabbage are all going down a road when they get to a bridge that says only 2 at a time how dose the man get all of them across without them eatting each other




  1. 1)man & goat go 1st , man returns

    2)man takes the wolf , leaves him ther 7 returns with the goat

    3)leaves the goat ,takes cabbage

    4) leaves cabbage with the wolf & returns alone

    5) takes the goat

    now all have crossed

  2. he doesn't

  3. He either:

    1) Takes goat 1st...then takes cabbage accross & brings back goat 2nd...then takes wolf over & leaves it with cabbage 3rd (wolves don't eat cabbage, do they?)...then brings goat over lastly.


    2) Carries cabbage in hand while escorting goat across, then continues to carry it as he goes back for the wolf.  (Surely there's no rule against carrying a cabbage in your hands, is there?)

  4. Takes goat over, leaving wolf and cabbage

    comes back, takes cabbage over, brings goat back with him, leaving cabbage on far side, leaves goat takes wolf, leave wolf with cabbage, goes back and fetches goat.

  5. man takes the goat, comes back alone, takes the wolf, comes back with goat, takes the cabbage, comes back alone, then takes goat, simple

  6. first you put take the goat to the other side, and then you take the wolf to the other side, take the goat back drop him off, pick up the cabbage drop it of, and pick the goat up once more and drop it of.

  7. he took the cabbage over then the goat . HEcame back and the wolf ate him END OF STORY

  8. what in the world is a man doing with a goat a wolf and a cabbage??

  9. first take the goat then get the wolf on your way back get the goat with you then take the cabbadge then take the goata again duh

  10. Go one by one...?


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