
A man gave me a pill to more than double my gas mileage.

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I met him while I was ordering a pizza and waiting for it. We were talking about gas and then he gave me a rather large pink pill to put in my gas tank with a card. I was thinking he was full of something and it was not gas. So put the pill in my tank and through the card away and ate my pizza. But then I drove my car for like 3 week until I had to put gas. This is a big f150 so it like alot of gas I always fill it like every 3to5 days. So Does anyone know where I can get these pills. He said they are new so I cant find them one the internet?




  1. You really need to know how many miles you've driven, and how many gallons of gas were burned before and after using this "miracle pill", before you figure your MPG's.

    Trust me, there is no such pill that can double your miles just like that. I don't know what this guy's scam is, but if you see him again, hang on to your wallet !!!!

  2. >>  A man gave me a pill to more than double my gas mileage.

    You should have ask him if he has magic beans so you can climb to the clouds.


    There's no such thing - at least nothing that really works.  You may THINK you got more gas. But you need to accurately measure your mileage.

    (a) fill the tank to the max

    (b) get on the HWY - late night / no traffic hour

    (c) drive about 20 to 30 miles (at 55 MPH)

    (d) use cruise control - very important

    (e) note the EXACT MILES

    (f) get off and immediately get gas

    (g) note the EXACT GALLONS

    Now you can calculate the MPG by

    MPG = MILES (step e) / GALLONS (step g).

    The reason you start out with full tank is that is the "repeatable" condition.  You want to avoid traffic so you

    don't use the brakes on the HWY.  Braking will negatively affect the MPG calculation.  You use the cruise control so

    you and eliminate your driving habit as a factor.

    Without a good MPG calculation you might be wasting your money chasing ghosts.  Also you can repeat this test

    anytime you feel like you car is not running right.  You can also try the same thing but off the cruise control to

    check how much your driving habit affect the MPG.  etc.

    Good Luck...

  3. Did you drink it with a glass of water?

  4. You thought he was full of it, but still put the pill into the gas tank of your truck? Hmmm.

  5. It's called the MPG cap and if you put it in your gas tank it promises to give you more miles per gallon.

    Remember, if something sounds too good to be true, IT IS!

    If there were really such a fuel saving additive, the auto manufacturers would be telling you about it in their ads.  They _do_ make a lot more money on an SUV than on a microcar.

    Here's a link to ripoff reports.

    Also, check with the BBB and your local TV or radio station 'troubleshooter' or you can go here:

  6. I reckon these guys think you're being scammed!

    Such a pill DOES exist. It doesn't actually double your mileage, but you get noticeably better miles. My friend used them religiously, and tried to convince me to stick them in my gas tank as well (he was getting about 200 more kms to a tank than normal). Technically they are cheap enough to acquire that it will save you on gas money since your gas goes further... but... my friend stopped using them when his car started having serious engine problems.

    Those pills are changing something in the gas or the engine. Basically the engine is rapidly being deteriorated to give you better gas mileage. You don't want to be using them, unless you intend to junkyard your car anyway.

  7. Average Joe is right, the automakers don't care how much gas you put in your car, but they REALLY hate it when they can't sell their high-markup SUVs because they take too much gas!  If there was a way to get double the MPG, General Motors would give them away for FREE to anyone who bought a full size truck or SUV.

  8. I'm willing to bet the man who gave you the pill also said "the first one's free", right? You went on a trip alright, but it wasn't in your car. Such a thing doesn't exist.

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