
A man rob's you, but during the robbery...?

by  |  earlier

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You catch him in the act....but you suddenly have a heartattack, the robber stops and performs CPR...saving your life and helping you recover, a cop patrolling comes by and notices you and the robber on the ground....what would you do?




  1. tell the cops that he was a passer by & just happened to see me having a heart attack & saved my life!

  2. I'd tell the robber that if he/she gives back anything important such as "license, credit cards, etc.." I'd let him/her keep the money. If the person agreed to that I wouldn't give him/her up to the cop and just say he/she was a hero and saved my life.

    (joke) And then I'd rob the cop.

  3. tell the cop. if you let him go, he might come back to rob you, or he's taken something this time. or next time, he might just knock you over the head with something, so he doesn't have to bother with saving your life again, and missing out on your wonderful money.

  4. You would not be conscious if you are receiving CPR. Therefore, you could not respond to the police officer, nor would you even be aware of his/her presence.


  5. I would forgive him for saving my life [even though it was his fault I was having the heart-attack!] and say nothing to the cop.

  6. Allow the robber to take what all I have. When compared to the cardiologist, the robber does nothing wrong. In fact, he might be cheaper than the cardiologist for what he has done.

  7. I would visit him in prison.

  8. i would call the police. the robber is probably a kind hearted person. but deep inside he is evil. so i guess he commited a crime and should recieve the consequences

  9. The cop wouldn't stop...this is a fallible moral dilemma. LOL.

    Not only that, but the writer doesn't say he's robbing your individual person, presumably, he's robbing the house, which, if you weren't home would actually be considered thievery, if there are people home, THEN it is a robbery...just a technicality.

    However, if you were "catching him in the act" of stealing your stuff, then one should realize it's just stuff and he (or SHE) meant no physical harm and is a non-threat to people in general, just physical property.

    Afterwards, I would invite them in and make them a meal and see what makes them tick and why they needed the stuff. My consideration would be they probably need the goods more than I did in the first place...then, I would call my insurance company and make a claim and finally get something back from those leech sucking REAL thieves...b******s.

    Sorry, I digress,



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