
A man who is a stranger opens the door for you..... whats next?

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- Double door - If a man who is a stranger opens the door for you do you then open the second door yourself or wait for them to open the second door? How is it when you are on a date and know the man. Do they open both doors? Do you let the stranger get in line first since they reached the door first?

- Single door - If a stranger opens the door for you do you let them go in line first since they reached the door first?




  1. Double Door - Sorry! I only open doors for women that need a single door open....unless she's in a wheelchair.

    Single Door - They opened it for you, it's only polite to enter. They are either being nice, or just want to walk behind you to checkout the goods.

  2. Well you don't want to stand back and wait for him to open the second one. Open it yourself and just push it open so he can walk through too. Say thank you when they open the door.

    If someone opens the door and holds it open for you to go through first - just walk through. They offered.

  3. all i do is say thank you and continue to head for my mission!

    not like it's going to kill anyone to wait a few minutes!

  4. Say "thank you" and go through the door.

  5. - Double Door - I'd thank him/her and walk in

    - Single Door - I'd do the same

  6. Add to this question:  Does the answer change if you are male or female?

    In the case of stranges (either gender), you do NOT let someone go first unless their not holding the door for you would have allowed them to be first.

    Why?  Because holding the door is a KNOWN quantity.  It won't be any nicer or worse than it apparently is.  However, position in a line is fickle.  A line might be happily proceeding at one person every five seconds and then take all of a sudden take an hour.  If you KNOW how long the line takes, then by-all-means, make a judgement call.

    As for double doors, I take 'em as I get to 'em.  If I get their first, I would certainly hold the door for him.

  7. double door - don't wait for him to open the next door, start to open it yourself and he will probably assist in holding it open.

    if someone holds a door open for you they are being polite and I think they want you to get in line first as well.

  8. Your question is all over the map but I think I get your drift.  If someone opens the door for you (regardless of what kind it is) you should walk through the door they are holding.  Opening the other door and walking through that one is a bit rude.

  9. If a man opens the door for you then he is being a gentleman and wants you to go first and I would assume that means first in line also.  If he wants to be in line first then he would not invite you to go ahead of him.  With the double doors if you reach the second door first then go ahead and open it rather than waiting for him.  Its nice when these things happen but we shouldn't stand there and wait for it.  If he really wants to open the second double door then it will happen on its own.  

    Also, if there are double doors and he opens the first one for you why not open the second one for him?  More than likely he will insist that you go through first anyways (if he is a gentleman).

  10. double-you can open the second door yourself, unless he says let me open that for you.

    date- it really doesnt matter, you can open the door for yourself

    line- ?? i guess whoever is closest to the line?

    single-no, just get in line, they will get there 1second after you and you owe them nothing.

  11. You walk through the opened door and say "Thank you". What's so hard to figure out about that? It's called good manners.

  12. -single door: If you are a lady, yes you go in first.

    -double door: if a stranger opens a 1st door for you, you say thanks but I do not expect him to open a second door. And if they open the door, I always go in first. since I'm a woman.

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