
A map to show common driving distances?

by  |  earlier

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my wife works in a suburb far north-east of town, I work in another suburb far west of town and we are looking to move to a location that allows the both of us a better drive. drawing a straight line and looking at the area in the middle places us not so close to any highway. playing around the with google maps and changing the "from" location to various parts around town gives some wild card locations that at least one of us would have a much shorter drive without the other having an increased drive. other locations actually increase both of our drives, even though they seem like an ideal location. then the few locations that i have been able to locate that help both of our drives are in bad areas...

so my question is: is there such a map on the net that i can put the two adresses in and have it find common distance/drive time locations? or even, simply what the perfect area(s) would be in that regard?




  1. This is why your realtor makes the big bucks.  explain the situation to them, let them propose alternative solutions.  Even if you're renting, utilize a realtor.  They're familiar with the areas in question and have experience meeting the needs to two income families.

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