Last night I had a dream in which me and my older brother were in a sort of an elevator, and rising extremely high, in the sky. We were both excited to see what was there. It was a huge sort of air bridge. There were other people there trying to cross it, and then come back. But the bridge was broken, it had some pieces missing and you had to run and jump over those blanks.
I was scared and told my brother that I'm not doing it, but he went running, and I couldn't stop him. He went all the way but as he should have returned he fell in the sky. I didn't see it clearly, just heard a scream. All the people who were there blamed me for his fall because I didn't go with him. For a minute I thought I could see him but it was another man.
I know it's just a dream , but it's not the first time I dream about this, my brother happening this to him.
I'd appreciate if only people who can tell something about this would answer. Thanks