
A medical student approaches a patient holding a syringe!

by  |  earlier

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"Don't worry " he says. It's just a little prick with a needle. "I can see that" replies the patient. "I'm just wondering what your going to do with it."




  1. LOL very funny !!!

  2. LOL ,,, thats funny

  3. Its really a short & funny. Read this

    A man and a woman met at a bar. They started getting along really well and they decide to go to her place for a drink.

    A few drinks later, the guy took off his shirt and washed his hands. He then took off his socks and washed his hands.

    The woman looked at him and said, "You must be a dentist."

    Flabbergasted, the guy responded, "Why yes! That's amazing; how did you determine that?"

    The woman replied, "Easy. You keep washing your hands."

    Well, one thing led to another, and they migrated to the bed. Things became more and more passionate and they made love.

    After their passionate deed was done, the woman remarked, "You must be a GREAT dentist!"

    The doctor was very surprised, and said, "Yes! Yes! I sure am a great dentist. Wow! You amaze me! And how did you know that, my dear?"

    His lover retorted, "That's easy. I didn't feel a thing."

  4. lmao

  5. lol! Thanks Plato.

  6. rofl

  7. Short and sweet and very funny.

  8. roflmao lol thats the best hoke i heard all day i needed a good one

  9. very funny, haha

  10. it

  11. HIlarious!!!

  12. LMAO!!!  Ur starting

  13. hits the spot

  14. lol,

    Doctor,doctor< I keep seeing double

    "Take a seat please"

    "Wich one?"

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