
A member looking to join my adult group has trouble listing his age?

by  |  earlier

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This is what he wrote to me: "Hey, sorry I didn't have my age on my profile but when I go to edit it, it says not revealed for security reasons and it does not allow me to change this. Do you know how I can fix this?" I looked into it but I don't have the answer. Anybody?




  1. it is to my understanding the age is kept on the yahoo accounts, and an under age profile/ account would be prevented from joining at all. it seems to work since people who typo'ed their birth year cant enter adult groups-

    it's probably a glitch.

    yahoo doesn't require age on a profile anyway, they say it's kept and momitored on the accounts so this person probably IS an adult.

  2. The burden should rest on that person to edit his profile and add his age. The reason he gave is applicable to a Yahoo subscriber who is under the age of 18.  A minor's age is never revealed on Yahoo profiles if he/she provided the correct date of birth when he/she registered for a Yahoo ID.

    If it were me, I would deny this pending member.

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