
A member unsubscribed from my Yahoo group but is still receiving emails. How do I get him off the group?

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The member unsubscribed via email. Emails kept coming. The mamagement pages shows that he unsubscribed, and a member list search shows no member with his email address. Yet he is still receiving emails from the Group.

Next, I tried to add him back to the group, so I could delete him and stop the emails, but Yahoo says I can't because he's already a member. However, my attempt to re-add him to the group shows as successful on the management page.

What's going on here?????

How do I get this member off the group, as he wishes?




  1. i really dont know, i tried to unsubscribe from a group and i keep getting emails, its really annoying

  2. You can try to ban or remove member (if you are the owner or the privileged moderator)

    How do I ban a member?

    How do I change membership settings for a member?

  3. if the member attempted to remove their membersip via e-mail, their now stuck in limbo until yahoo catches up, and there's nothing you can do to help. you'll have to tell the member the only thing they can do is fill out this form

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