I'd like to suggest to the anti-adoption group that your answers would better serve the kids in the Pregnancy Forum than here. I think they NEED to hear about your experiences. For instance, Dew S asked this question, "what i should do to avoid my partner for being pregnant?". It's merely a suggestion & I don't think this boy should be harassed any more than the rest of us have been in the Adoption Forum, who have adopted, are adopting, thinking about placing their child, et.al. Don't you think that you would then be "barking up the right tree" & truly helping to prevent the trauma you say you suffer from now? You might actually help prevent these children from making the same mistakes that you made and feeling as bitter as you do, about having been adopted. I honestly think you could really help them. Please, won't you consider this?
It doesn't do any good to those of us who have had a good adoption/adoptive experience. We all have our own TRUTH & we'll never agree on this issue.