
A message from the mujahedin to the american nation,do you care?

by Guest61825  |  earlier

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´´Love your enemies cause they tell you your mistakes´´ by Benjamin Franklin

500.000-1.000.000 innocent victims in iraq

type abu ghraib in youtube what your government really do to INNOCENT

cut flesh out of living body,beat face until you dont know if its a face or not

here the message from the ´´unhuman monsters´´




  1. Muslims should stop killing other Muslims and stop blaming the US for their problems.

  2. Most of the Innocent victims in Iraq were killed by Homicidal lunatic Muslims like you nutjob.

    If you weren't constantly trying to "kill the infidels" like the deranged murderers you are, the US would have established a democratic government and would have been out of Iraq 4 years ago you flipping suicide bombing school bus attacking plane high jacking screwball.

    I wish you could see what you look like to the rest of the world.

    If Muslim wackjobs had never attacked us in all the places we have been attacked, from Beirut to Yemen to New York, there would never have been any reason for us to go to Afghanistan and certainly no justification for going back to Iraq.

    By the way genius, your youtube video is in German, most Americans aren't going to bother trying to register with the German version of youtube to watch it.

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