I want to know how to really really play.
okay i want to do if
1.say you land on a property but can't afford it,
can you mortgage one of your own property's
so you can have enough money for the one you landed on?
2.What do you get when you land on free parking, me and my friends agreeded on everything, like from paying 50 dollars to get out of jail, paying the jewerly 75$ spot, paying 200$ or 10% spot, if you owe a fee from a chance or a community chest card, all those we put in the center, can we do this? how do you really use free parking?
3.If someone lands on a property that is owned by another player, but the owner isnt paying attention, can the next roller go so that the guy does not have to pay the owners rent because he landed on it?
4.If i roll a double while i am in jail, do i move that ammount, or does that just allow me to get out? and same for if i bail out with 50 bucks, do i get to roll or that counts as my turn
thank you guys.