
A most peculiar tale of "the little people" from Ireland!?

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My friend Eli had a very strange experience...he was on a camping trip in the village of Haffcutt in Western Ireland. He got chatting to some locals in the village pub and when he told them where he had pitched his tent, they began to laugh and told him that he wouldn't get much sleep tonight, when Eli asked why ,they told him he was camping on a Fairy Road(a route used by the little people). Later that night Eli was awoken by a strange noise,he stiffened as he felt a foreign hand on his knapsack.Eli lay paralysed with fear as he listened to a strange glugging sound.Finally he sat bolt upright and swiftly flicked on his lamp...there was no-one to be seen.The next morn whilst checking his knapsack Eli noticed that a small flask of brandy he carries(strictly for medicinal purposes) was completely empty despite it having been full up the day before!!!Needless to say, my friend never returned to Haffcutt or Ireland again. How on earth could you explain Eli's terrifying episode?




  1. Nice Story!

    = )

  2. This I presume is the village of Haffcutt in the parish of Langered?


    I will come clean

    It was Me!

    I am a Leprechaun (a real one and not a myth!)

    Sorry but couldn't help myself

    Didn't mean to frighten ya but I was a bit tipsy on my way back from the local pub when an overwhelming desire for a quick nightcap took hold of me...

    My nose lead me straight to a strange canvas covered shebeen where I deduced that there was some very nice brandy indeed.

    Thanks Eli

    I'll send you a bit o' luck begod



  3. Oooooooooooohhh....

  4. reminds me of the time we caught a car thief, he swore the little people made him steal cars. anyway it took 5 of us to lynch him from the nearest lampost and as his final breath left his body, his legs doing a convulsed jig as we hoisted him by the neck there in front of us appeared king brian of the leprechauns and he gave us all a chilled warning "aha me buckos, yer cows will milk sour yer pigs will be lame and yer sheeps wool will be tainted wit ticks an worst af all yer horses hence forth shall have 8 legs"  the joke was on him i had 3 kentucky derby winners 3 years in a row.

  5. Ah sure t'was the fairies!!Little feckers!!

  6. Leprechauns??? Cute story....

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