
A mother wants to give up her child for adoption without informing the father?

by Guest55885  |  earlier

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What do you think about this?

The baby has been born and is 17 weeks old. The father apparently has no idea she was pregnant or that he is a father. Now she is going to court to get them to make the adoption service to waive the need to tell the father.

I personally am amazed this is even being considered. First of all, the child will want to know her father and make her own mind up about him.

Second, he would be good enough to pay for the daughter, but not good enough to know she exists? How can that be?

Third, what would happen if they were together and they were a family and split up. If he kicked her out and kept the kids in the family home, what would happen?

And what would happen if he left and took the kids? He would probably be done for child abduction, yet if she left with the kids, the police would laugh in his face when he reported it.




  1. wow i wouldn't want to give up my child because you birht her already and that would be wrong why would your mother say that in the first place you shoud tell the father before she does ok or that is not going to work do somethin else.

  2. It is a crime. The woman is not allowed to claim she doesn't know who the father is unless she really has no way of knowing who the father is. It is fraud to sign your name to a document that says that you don't know who the father is when you do. The judge who will give her the right to do this should require investigating who the father might be. This is the law. She is not allowed to give the baby up for adoption without the father's consent. That is against the law.

  3. She will have to prove that the child would be in danger from the father if he knew.  Otherwise, he has to be told.  She doesn't have a choice.   Why would she not want the father to know?  If she does not want the baby, what difference does it make if the father knows?  Sounds like to me she is a selfish shrew that needs to grow up and do what is best for the child, stop thinking about herself and think about the child's future.

  4. Have yoiu read the whole story.  The girl is trying to do the honourable thing and not destroy the father's life.   Too many bust bodies in the world telling everyone else what they 'should' do.  Sorry that should be busy bodies.

  5. it doesnt sound either right or fair does it

  6. true.  a father cannot 'up and leave' with a child, but a mother can.

    And I agree, it's not fair that the father has no say in the adoption, I think the mother is being really mean about this.

  7. The adoption agency would be acting unethically if they were to knowingly go through with this

    The father should be fully informed of what is happening with his child

  8. as far as legally...she can put the child up for adoption without notifying the father if he isnt listed on the birth certificate and she claims she has no idea who he is. WHich to the courts means...there is no one can object.

    If the father does find out he can petition for adoption of his child if he does in fact want it

  9. i think the father should be told its his child

  10. The father should be informed because not all men are irrisponsible, he may want to bring the child up himself and she can work and give him child support, or is that the reason why she doesn`t want him involved because she would have to pay towards the upbringing of the child, that would make a change wouldn`t it.

  11. my b-mom never even told my father that she was pregnant and i was given up for adoption. i didn't know that until a few weeks ago and i'm almost 30. all my life i have thought that THEY decided to give me up for adoption. i have always thought about finding my birth parents, but never really pursued it until recently. i think that idea of a guy having a child and never being told is just wrong. i am trying to find my bio-mom right now, so i can find out who he is and at least tell him that he does have a child. i think he has the right to know. in this case, i think that if the father wants the child and wants to take care of the child, that he should have every right.

  12. every father has the right to know if he has a child .  i am curious as to why the mother would go to extremes to not let him know. you only explained the fathers side  ..not the mothers.

  13. The mother is supposed to make a good faith effort to contact the father. If you know who the father is make an anonymous phone call or type an anonymous letter if your worried about the mom finding out it was you that told him. Otherwise straight out tell him. Seriously, think about this, what if it was your kid? Or your brothers kid? Because if someone did that to my brother, I'd be livid.

  14. WHY ARE U ASKING THIS QUESTION AGAIN? uve just asked in 10 mins ago on ur other questions, , memory loss?

  15. Your outrage is justified.

  16. thats exactly what happened to me 12 years ago totally unfair!! If the woman dont want her and the father shows morre than enough interest let have the child(ren) now that

    is selfish when a person give up a child but deny the other parent a CHOICE...... AND SHE SAID SHE WANTED TO GET BACK AT ME THEN MY FATHER WASNT AROUND EITHER AND I JUST WANTED TO BREAK THAT CYCLE


  17. If this judge even considers this action for this "mother" then our court system is worse off then i thought.  Every father and child needs to know the facts and the truth. Enough children are unwanted in this crazy world so why would this "mother" want to even think about cheating this child and father out of a GOD GIVEN RIGHT HERE. That's my take on this matter.

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