
A mouth goes into a bar and orders a pint....

by  |  earlier

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With the help of some friends he drinks the pint down with one gulp. Suddenly a head appears. Everyone is really excited and so the head decides to order another pint. The barman tells the head that he thinks its not wise him drinking anymore, but the head insists. so he drinks the next pint down and suddenly a body appears. Everyone was going crazy. The man was so excited that he quickly ordered another pint. the Barman was again reluctant but did as he was told. Suddenly arms pop out of the body. Again everybody was going crazy with excitement. The man (who is now feeling drunk) quickly asks for another pint and again the barman tells him he thinks he's had enough. The head insisted on another pint. He downed that one too. Suddenly legs appeared. The crowed were going mental. The new man got up and was very drunk. Thanked the barman and wobbled out the bar. he crossed the road and was hit by a car and killed.

Everyone rushed out including the barman.

the barman just looked and said, "I knew he should have stopped while he was a head."




  1. That's a pun and puns are the lowest form of humour.

  2. haha omg i heard that ages ago but I forgot what it was and wanted to tell it to someone a while back and you have just reminded me thank you very muchly XD lol hehe  

  3. LOL!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!! THAT WAS REALLY GOOD

  4. *rimshot* But that was a good rimshot cuz that was funny.

  5. ROFL old but still funny

  6. haha. funny :)

  7. hahahaha. i get it. good one. (;

  8. that's a pun ... i HATE PuNS!!!

  9. I have heard it before,

    But it still makes me laugh so much!


  10. Classic... Oldies but goodies

  11. I must tell you that it is good.It makes us listen/read till the end if we read till the head part.I told my family about this and they loved it. :)

  12. that's a good one

  13. Yeah - old but good.

  14. old but still good

  15. Very funny!!

    LOL  *

  16. ha ha ha very good

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