
A natruropath told me dont eat pasta is it not good!!!!?

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A natruropath told me dont eat pasta is it not good!!!!?




  1. Unless you have gluten intolerance, why not eat pasta? Hint: Naturopath = psychopath!

  2. You might be siliac or gluten intolerant. Then wheat pasta would not be good for you. They do make gluten free pasta at the health food store or you can eat rice noodles from the asian section.

    The naturopath would have given u a whole list of things you cant eat in you were gluten intolerant though.

    If they told you just not to eat pasta I would ask why if they didnt give you a whole list of things not to eat.  right side of page in the gluten section there is a while list of foods not to eat.

  3. no, its not good.

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