
A natural way or home remedy for keeping bugs off my plants?

by  |  earlier

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i have a little space in my backyard where i am currently growing a variety of fruit, herbs, and vegetables. one of the vegetables i am growing are bush beans and they getting eaten up and by what i do not know. does anyone know a safe and natural way to i guess protect them?




  1. Place a clove of garlic in a blender and add 500 ml (2 cups) of water. Blend until smooth. Pour the liquid into a container, cover and let sit for 24 hours. Filter through cheese cloth or a strainer. Dilute with 4 liters (12 cups) of water and add one or two drops of insecticidal soap to make the mixture adhere to plant leaves. Spray on plants infested with spider mites, whiteflies, aphids or thrips.

    Garlic-based insecticide is not a preventative. It acts on contact, which means that it must touch the insect pest in order to be effective.  Hope this helps :)

  2. Spread corn meal on the soil around the base of the plant.  I don't know how it works, but it works.  You can also plant lemon grass around your plants.  I've also used mild detergent and water in a spray bottle for aphids and webwowms.  I hope this helps!

  3. I have heard that spraying beer on plants will kill aphids -

  4. A garlic based spray is good.

  5. you could try to spray Lemongrass oil around the plants, it's a natural bug deterrent like Citronella.

  6. look it up on google. i think you can spray viniger on them, but better say than sorry.

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