
A neighbor boy bite my kids arm just a bruise no blood but how to react?

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the boy that bit my son was like 7yrs old , my son is only 3yrs old




  1. Tell his parents and make sure he is never near your kid again.

  2. 5 years ago my child was in Special Ed Preschool.  I got a call from the teacher telling me what happened.  When he got home and I saw it I could not believe it.  On his chest he had the top and bottom imprint of the kids teeth. The teacher assured me the child who did it would be talked to and the parents would be aware of what happened.  Ok this was the first time and I thought to myself my child could have did that to another child.  Now if it would have happened again i would have took action.  I told my child to look at the mark on him and he was to never to that to anyone. I would say something to the boys parent  and if it happens again then I would make sure he does not go around the boy.  Any mark on our children is a pain to us. I hope he is ok.

  3. this is something you need to bring to his parents attention and find out why he thought biting was an acceptable thing to do   if the parents dont handle it  i wouldnt leave him undupervised with your child

  4. Tell his parents so that they are aware that it happened and that he needs to be told it is not okay. Also, if this happens again they will know that he is beginning to process it into his behavior pattern as appropriate, since it is recurring instead of the first time (that they know of). It is necessary to condition him into seeing that this is a negative action.

  5. wow, yeah that's just crazy, if i were you i would definately not allow your son to be around that child again.  but if he happens to be then i would let the parents know what happened in a nice way but if it happened again i wouldn't be so nice.  good luck!

  6. Depends on the age of the neighbour boy. Biting is age appropriate behaviour for toddlers. We may not like that our child was bitten, but it's a fact of life. Hopefully the child's parents will speak with him so he knows that biting his friend's hurt them and his teeth are for eating food, not hurting friends.

  7. Even a 7 year old can fail.  Not to excuse his behavior; I have an 8 year old (among other chldren) and I absoulutly would not excuse this from him or any of my children. However, it doesn need to me remembered that just because a child does something wrong doesn't mean his parents haven't taught him the right thing.  Children DO do things against what they've been taight~at all ages!

    Having said that, I would react according to the individual situation.  If this particular 7 year old is a child whose parents' DONT discipline him and his biting is just an example of his overall bad behvaior, I would not allow him to play with my children or come in my yard to play at all.  I would avoid any further problems form this child by distancing myself and my child from him.

    However, if he is usually a good kid and I know his parents would be highly displeased with his behavior, I would talk to his parents and tell them what he did.  If they are the kind of parents who teach their children to behave and to treat other's respectfully, they will surely make him apologize and apologize themselves and punish him.  I would forgive him completely with the thought in mine that he IS just a child who is still learning how to deal wiht his emotions and that maybe I can help him by being a good example and not getting angry myself.  After all, we ALL make mistakes and a 7 year old is still very young and immature.  Many people seem to be implying that he is too old to have made this mistake.  But I know that a 7 year old is still capable of 'messing up'.  They aren't 10 or 11 or12 yet.  

    Anyway, I would handle it according to this speficic situation.  In the meantime, I would make sure it doesn't happen again by supervising thier play.   Good luck.

    And I don't think it's any worse for a 7 year old to bite than it is for a three year old (for those who said it was worse because he's 7).  A three year old can totally understand why we don't bite and should be expected to control his/her anger, too.  Don't excuse bad behavior and trantrums just becasue the child is three (or two!).  You'll be setting your self up for having BIG problems from the child if he/she is allowed to act out as a toddler.  They won't stop just because they turn 7! And the parent telling him to stop isn't going to wrok if they wait until he/she is 4 or 5.

  8. A 7yo knows (or should know) better then to bite anyone.  I would have a talk with his parents and let them know what happened.  I would also not let him play with my 3yo (at least not without constint supervision).

  9. Let neighbor boy's parents know what happened and expect them to discipline their child for it and ask for an apology.  If they don't, then hand them the medical bill for treating the bite.  A human mouth is one of the most germ filled mouths.  It's a good thing he didn't break skin, but I would be paying the boy's parents a visit.....regardless of the age.  There's no excuse for biting unless the boy is raised with parents who don't discipline.  Then the parents are at fault.  I would not allow my child play with that boy again if the parents didn't do something to correct the situation.


    A SEVEN year old bit your THREE year old?  Shame on that boy!  He definitely knows better!  There is absolutely NO excuse for that boy to do that.  Definitely make sure the parents find out and don't allow that boy near your child again.  His parents obviously didn't raise him to respect others.

  10. Alot depends on the age, the situation and how close you are to the parents.

    If they are toddlers, I would speak to the parent to make sure that they took care of the situation.  If it is older than a toddler, I would say something to both the child and the parents.

  11. depends on the age

  12. Hopefully his parents told him/her that biting is not ok, that biting hurts. Wash your son's arm off with soap & give him a hug. He'll be ok. Kids bite sometimes, especially when they're younger and don't have the ability to communicate with words. Even at 3-4 when they CAN talk they'll still bite sometimes. Don't freak out on your neighbors or anything, you never know when you'll be in their shoes. It's really not uncommon. Good luck! =]

    EDIT: OK- saw that you said he was 7... Tell his parents what happened if they don't already know. And then don't let your 3 year old play with a 7 year old- that's way too much of an age gap.

  13. Talk to the child's parents and tell them about his behaviour. If the boy starts to bully your child and the parents do nothing about it call the police.

  14. I would be pissed if that little boy bit my three year old osn like that! I would take pictures, and also take my son with me to the kids house who bit my son, and show his parents what that little brat did, and if the parents of the brats didn't do anything about it, and I found out about it, I would go back to there house, and give them a GOOD REDNECK CUSSIN'!

  15. Just yell at the kid.

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