
A neighbors pitt bull came in my yard and killed my chiuawa what can i do?

by  |  earlier

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me and my kids are devestated, we called 911 and dogpound but people dont seem to think they should b reliable




  1. go to the police station in person and file a report. make sure the name, address, and date are correct, then ask for a follow up contact number.

  2. that is terrible! poor you and the dogs! u can sue u know. make an apperence at court. the dog will be registered under dangerous! as it is, this dog can hurt your kids! its agressive and if its maked under dangerous there are strict rules and the will be tied and if not he must be muzzled and stuff. hope things clear up! please try to get help so this dosent happen again.

  3. SPCA, because that dog can be dangerous for little kids

  4. Call your representative. And if he/she does nothing, call a local tv station.  And I'm serious about this.  If there is a pitbull in your town/city that is attacking other living things, the authorities need to do something.  It could attack the children in your neighborhood.

    It sounds like if animal control wasn't interested, you live in a c**p city/town that doesn't know about the dangers that pittbulls pose to people.  Please pursue.  Your neighbor's dog is dangerous (and your neighbor probably is as well.)

  5. well ur dog is dead do u realy wanna get the police involved?

    i mean killin the pit bull aint gonna bring ur chiuwawa back

    just let it go

  6. call the cops again bcuz pit bull are so dangerous next time he will get a human bean they have to put him to sleep sorry but if pets owners cannot have there dangerous pets under control those are the consciouses. you got to do something about it specially he went in your yard and you have children.don't call 911 call your local police dept.

  7. Buy a shotgun and sit on your porch when the d**n thing attacks again, blast it.  

  8.   I sympathise with your kids and have no idea about how to handle this legally, but outlaw pit bulldog died a 'accidental' death due to a crossbow arrow near where we live  late one night.

  9. try calling the cops again and telling them that you want to press charges against your nieghbors - if your area has a leash law  that is a perfect way to do so (most cities have leash laws)

  10. Call the cops again.

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