
A network cable is unplugged?

by  |  earlier

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My laptop says that a network cable is unplugged even though:

-The cable does work

-I am not running a wireless connection

- Properties of the Ethernet card say that all is installed fine and functioning.

-I tried uninstalling and restarting and installing again

Is this a hardware problem?




  1. I'm not sure how you went about checking the cable, but it is / was a good suspect.  If you checked the cable using another computer at the same location then that means the problem would reside inside your computer (all other things having been ruled out by the test).

    Problems with network cards often will not be fixed by a Restart, they will require a total power down and power up.  If you're using a network CARD instead of the on-board Ethernet connection you will want to power the computer all the way down, pull the card out and either put it back in (reseat it) then power back up.

    Once again though, not knowing how you tested the cable leaves a lot open in terms of modem, etc.

  2. Data Recovery-

  3. It might not be a problem.

    It could be telling you that you don't have a Bluetooth connection and your Bluetooth is on.

    Or you have a Ethernet connection but nothing is plugged into it.

    As long as they are active but not in use you will get that warning.  Nothing to worry about unless you are trying to use them and they don't work.

  4. uninstall your ethernet card, turn off your computer and unplug everything.  then plug it all back in and boot up.  However, repeatedly press f8 and boot in safe mode.  Install it here, and then it will ask you to restart the computer, and everything should be fine.

  5. if you are using a modem it might be off or you might be right.

    right click on the connection icon & check network connections.

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