- Now is the time to stop being a CONvert in a CONgregation. Don't CONdemn yourself. Stop CONvicting others. Stop your CONfusion. -
Stop CONfessing and CONfiding to priests. Don't be a living CONtradiction as part of a CONspiracy. No more CONtributions. No more CONfirmations.
How long have you been CONned by the lies of Emperor CONstantine, the man who put the "popes on the map."
Popes who get elected in a CONclave.
By cardinals who meet in a CONsistory.
Lose self-CONtrol (Pride) and you will SEE the TRUTH.
A CONsecrated building won't save you, nor running to a CONvent.
BE wary of Asia, because CONfucius was a liar too! - And...don´t trust your CONventional wisDUMB
How many religious I-CONs do you own? Are you wearing one?
Still BeLIEving in the CONsubstantial?
Have you "jumped to a CONclusion" about the truth? "Look before you leap."
One more thing - You don't want to BE a liar like "CAiN" was, do you?
Do you remember - CAiN and ABEl? The first two sons of Adam & Eve.