
A new species of dandelions

by Guest61697  |  earlier

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If I collected some dandelion seeds and grew a load of dandelions in my green house so no bees could get in and pollinate them, weed out all smallest dandelions and then pollinated the survivors, collected the resulting seeds and planted these. Then carry out the same procedure again, and again. Could I eventually breed a new species of super large dandelions which would be the size of sunflowers?




  1. To the exact year it would take you  to 3,000,000,101 AD.

  2. You're just plain evil try some anger management classes

  3. Perhaps a better understand of the benefits of the dandelion will make you want to leave it as is.  I think that God took care of the plant and made it just the way he wants it to benefit earth and living creatures.

    You can eat them as well

    34 recipes for dandelions

    Benefits of dandelion

    Special Recipe Collection

    Dandelion Wines

    Scroll down for the recipe

  4. Are you going to throw those seeds into your neighbor's garden too?

    I'm so glad I don't live near you.

  5. You might get a variation in there sometime, but you're unlikely to get a dandelion as tall as a sunflower.  The flower stalks are not built to get very tall.  After about 2 or 3 feet tall (which I do see now and then), they start losing structural integrity and flop over.  

    "Variations on a theme" is the realistic outcome of genetic variation - not complete and total changed of structure.

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