
A newspaper advice columnist information?

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I'm considering becoming a newspaper advice columnist as a future career but i would like to know a bit more information on it so if anyone could answer any of these questions below, it would be greatly appreciated:

- How much do they make annually?

- What EXACTLY does the job entail? ( i know that i get letters and reply to them but is there anything else in between is what I'm asking)

- Is there a difference between a magazine advice columnist and a newspaper columnist? if so, what are the differences?

- what are the best colleges for that career?

- what type of college classes/ high school electives should i choose to help with my progress in that field?

Thanks in advance to all those who answer any of these questions.




  1. Decide which field you would like to pursue and get a Degree in it

    unless you want to become an Handyman advice columnist. Then

    get experience on the job.


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