
A nice way of saying I don't agree?

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any suggestions. I don't want to use I don't agree.

Another way of saying I agree to a point




  1. Maybe, but don't you think that...

    No, I don't think so...

    Yes, but on the other hand...

  2. "No, that's inconsistent with my way of thinking!"

    "I believe you have some misplaced values in your way of thinking!"

    If that don't work, you can always say "h**l, no!  Get out of my face!" or "Go talk to someone who you can manipulate around to your way of thinking!"

  3. You are partially right.

  4. This is the way I see things...or have you ever though this...

  5. You could say "I differ" or "I contend". It depends on what you're trying to say. If what you mean to say is that you agree with some part of what the other person said, but you disagree with something else, you could phrase it like this, "I see your point with {whatever it is you agree with}, but I counter that {whatever your disagreement is}"

  6. that's an interesting perspective or

    bite me moron

  7. i would say...

    Yes, you are probably/maybe/anything else right, but i think.........

  8. "I can respect your point of view, but I see it differently."

  9. I see where you're coming from, but have you looked at it this way?

  10. I don't agree.... Hmmmm...

    In an office environment I often hear "I see your point, but..." or "Point taken, but..."

    Also, "I see things differently..." or "Based upon my information..."

    Other things I've heard in the office, but not nice...

    "What are you *#$^$ talking about?"

    "Are you in-touch with reality?"

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