
A notation that indicates a file’s location on your computer is called a(n) ____. ?

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A notation that indicates a file’s location on your computer is called a(n) ____.



file path





  1. Glad to see we aren't doing your homework for you.  Least own up to it if you were confused and needed help figuring that out.  I can't imagine what class that would be for, where a basic question like that would come into play.

    Address = Often used to describe a website address.  Example: is the address of where the browser is going.

    Drive = This referrers to the physical platters that make up the storage container for information.  It's often found like: C:\ where the C Drive is where the information is to be stored.

    File Path  = It starts with the Drive letter and then has a path of folders to get to the last directory that will hold the file that you are looking for.  Example: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\ (if you are looking for your hosts file)

    Root = This is mainly used in two ways.  1.) Root Directory and this means that it's the top most directory / drive.  Example: instead of C:\Windows\System32\ the root of the path is C:\.  2.) Root is the administrator account on all Linux / Unix operating systems.  It's the top administrator that has no limitations to what it can do.

    Take care, and study hard,


  2. File Path

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