
A pair of gerbils, a pair of cwarf hamsters, or 1 syrian hamster???????Which should we get?

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I want something playful and cute.

Something that will play A LOT

i would like to know........

-why the animal is better

-your experience with them

-treats I can give them

-cage size

-cage type

-can any of them eat guinea pig food as their diet

-is gerbil and hamster food the same thing

-some things I can do with them(play)

please help me


ps-I know all the basics like..........

-Syrians cant live together

-give them food and water everyday

-and cleaning the cage

-(all of the other basics)




  1. you shouldn't stick two hamsters or dwarf hamsters together because theyll fight or youll have more hamsters

  2. If you want some thing that will play with you to a point you should get a rat, other then that I would say get a pair of gerbils they are freindly & fun to have around.  A pair of gerbils would be fine in a 10 gallon tank, they can have sunflower seeds for a treat or some cereal.   Yes gerbil & hamster food is pretty much the same thing gerbils love to run in a wheel or in a ball.  * Gerbils dont squeak at night and they dont smell or bite like hamsters *

  3. Gerbils are more entertaining and playful than hamsters. Hamsters are nocturnal so they don't play a lot except at night, when you're sleeping.

    -Gerbils are better because they don't bite, they don't pee or p**p on you, and they are so sweet and so cute!

    -I've had 4 gerbils within the last 2 years and I still have 3 of them, and they are really good pets. Also, they are easy to take care of. They ONLY thing i don't like about them is they are quite hard to catch and they would rather run around and explore than just sit on your hand. However, you can let them run around like on your arms or in your hair and stuff!

    -Mine LOVE lettuce! I realy haven't found any store-bought treats that they go crazy for yet, but i'm still trying.

    -10 gallon aquarium is the best cage for 2 gerbils, because they can't kick bedding out of it, they can't escape from it, and it's incredibly easy to clean.

    -stick with gerbil food, they are very different than guinea pigs

    -not really, but there is a kind of food called Nutriphase Hamster/Gerbil formula that you can use.

    -the best way to play with them is to sit in the bathtub with them and let them run all over you! Also, make their cage very interesting and put lots of wood or cardboard in there for them to chew on!

    Good Luck!

  4. I would do a gerbil.  You will love to see them play together if you get to.  I watched for half an hour at the pet store.  You can give them treats from the pet store.  The cage for two should be just a tiny bit bigger than a hamster.  Gerbil and Hamster food are the same.  Usually gerbls eat hamster food.  You could stroke them.  They seem to love to be watched.  If you have an area with absoloutley no holes you can let them go there.

  5. Gerbils, definately. I've owned all three, and a ton of gerbils. They're definately the most playful and active, and don't hibernate. Hamsters are known to be unpredictable, too. For 2 gerbils an average hamster cage would be fine, but you must make sure it doesn't have a wheel that's made from plastic (it'll be eaten) or has open rungs (tail will get trapped).

    No, you shouldn't feed any of them guinea pig food. They all have specific diets, though gerbils can be fed hamster food if neccessary, but not for a long time.

    Gerbils love to explore, but they can be very quick. Hamster balls are ideal.

  6. All the animals you have mentioned need the same basic care and diet.  Hamster/gerbil food daily (pretty much the same thing) but NOT guinea pig food (they have different requirements, for example guinea pigs need much more vitamin C in their diet).  They all must have fresh food every couple of days too (all vegetables except potatoes, lettuce or tomatoes and all fruits exept citrus fruits, grass and dandelions).  They can eat the same kind of treats sold in pet stores, they can also have small amounts of un-sweetened wholemeal cereal, porridge or muesili, wholemeal toast, hard boiled egg, cheese and small amounts of cooked meats (all of these only occationally).  

    A syrian hamster needs a basic hamster cage (as large as possible).  With a house, wheel, toys, food dishes etc.  They can also live in the types of cages that you can add to and change around (habitrail etc.).  

    Dwarf hamsters can get through the bars of ordinary hamster cages so must live in a plastic cage (with good ventilation) or one with bars very close together (for example one designed for mice).  

    Gerbils need a very deep base for burrowing.  

    The easiest to tame and play with would be the syrian hamster.  Syrian hamster live for less time though (only two years as apposed to three or four).


    They're good together and you can watch them play and groom; it's really sweet. They'll follow each other and be very protective but they're also easy for you to handle since they don't bite or scratch.

    I work in a pet shop and recently got two gerbils; they are so fun and a lot better than hamsters, mainly because they're fun to interactive with, don't hurt you, and don't sleep during the day.

    You can give them some fruit and veg like brocoili, cucumber and carrot, but you can also give them hamster/gerbil based shop treats.

    They ideally need a tank with a cage topper so they can dig in the tank but also go upstairs for food and water, which they tend to burry if its in the lower levels.

    No. All of them need food for THEM, not for guinea pigs!

    You can train them to respond to their name, to run a maze, to climb all around you, to 'beg' for treats, to groom you... They do NOT go in a hamster ball as they can trap their tails and rip it off. Just let them explore you! They don't move very fast and are easy to catch.

  8. gerbils squeak all night

    the pet store never gets the gender right the two may mate

    Syrians are best

    i got two Syrians they got along fine but mated now i have 8

    any cage bigger than a 5 gallon tank

    no bars or plastic-bar they chew all night very annoying,plastic they chew right trough mine did both get a glass tank

    all he foods are the same thing rodent are herbivores stores just like to charge more

    i love to make cages for them out of boxes and toilet paper rolls.and keep them in there for about an hour or so

    make salads for them with granola lettuce fruits and veggies!hope this helps!

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