
A par-tay pickle....?

by  |  earlier

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Hello peeps,

Just wondering if anyone knows the precise number of people who must be present at a party before it officially becomes a "par-tay"..?

I'm all afluster trying to figure it out myself.

Thank you, friends.




  1. You are right to be feeling this way.  If you get this wrong you will surely be a laughing stock for quite some time, unable to hold your head up in po-lite company.....possibly ever again.  I want to help but I fear that my guess may contribute to your demise and my conscience will not allow this.  Good luck, I sincerely hope you get it right.

  2. if its just like, a dinner party or something calm like that itd be 10-15 .


    if you want a full out birthday or like, a highschool party or anything then it'd be 20-30 .

    hope i helped ?
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