
A parets guide for preschoolers 1 though 4.?

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  1. I really like "What to Expect in the Toddler" Years by Arlene Eisenberg.  It is an all around good reference book.  You can also check out "ChildWise" by Gary Ezzo for children 3-7, and "Babywise" for younger than 3.  Hope this helps.  Mom of a almost 20yr. old, 18 yr. old and 3 yr. old.

  2. This depends on the child and your way of "punishment".  Time out works for some kids, but not all.  Spanking works but gets all kinds of bad "reviews".  

    Depends on what the child needs disipline for.  If it's something like hitting, kicking, scratching, biting, those things are better for the time out, spanking.  If it's something like not picking up toys, tell the child they pick them up or throw them away and don't replace them.

  3. Parenting the Strong Willed Child, by Rex Forehand , Ph.D. and Nicholas Long, Ph.D. . It covers behavior management strategies for kids aged 2.5 through 7. It has general parenting handouts on there for specific problems.

    SOS Parenting Help...Lynn Clark, Ph.D. is author.

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