
A part of my tooth chipped off!?

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Ok, I was eating a granola bar today, and i felt something scratchy on my front lower teeth. I ran my tounge up my tooth and a piece of my tooth came off! WTF? ???!!? Does that mean my teeth are falling out? What coulda caused it??




  1. I recently bit into a hard candy and lost a piece of my tooth.  I would go to my dentist ASAP if I were you because I waited really long and ended up needing a root canal because of it.

  2. A number of factors could've caused this such as biting something too hard, soft tooth enamel, drug use, recent facial injury, etc...  

    "Generally, when a patient comes into the office with a chipped tooth, calcium deficiencies are not responsible. Most of the time the teeth chipped because of forces stronger that normal.

    Yes your teeth can be weak and break easily and that is sometimes the case, but.... most of the time, the teeth are fine but the forces were excessive.

    Grinding - many patients do not think they grind. However, it is so easy to tell because the teeth do all of the talking. By showing your teeth on a magnified camera system, the evidence of grinding is undeniable. The patient is usually surprised and convinced because the teeth shows wear and tear beyond normal use.

    Clenching - maybe you do not grind but maybe you do clench. The difference is how the excess force is applied to your teeth (sometimes unknowlingly) but the teeth wear, chip and break from these forces.

    Fillings fell out - perhaps the filling came out and it feels like breakage when it is not.

    Occlusion - you bite could be "off" and now there are uneven forces to your teeth. That can be a real possibility to consider, given your report"

    When was your last dental examination?

  3. It means stop using meth or any sort of drugs. seriously

  4. It means you have weak enamel. Go to your dentist and he'll set up a plan for you to make your teeth stronger, fix  the chip, and other things.

  5. First of all, you should of went to the dentist right away. If it was a baby tooth then it's ok but if it's a permenent tooth you just destroyed your tooth.

    And maybe your enamel is weak. Talk to your dentist to see what kind of toothpaste you should use.

  6. Maybe your teeth are just weak. A chip is not a HUGE deal but go to your dentist. Drink milk ;)

  7. it doesn't mean your teeth are falling out

    you can have the tooth capped by a dentist

    no worries!

  8. Thats one old granola.. SUE THEM!

  9. well you cud have cavities??

    go see a dentist immediately

  10. well are you pregnant? I'm 6 months pregnant and if you don't drink alot of milk the baby will take away your calcium. A small peice of my lower quadrant Lateral chipped off eating an apple...But if your not pregnant. Maybe you should go to the dentist and see what he thinks. It may be that you need to take calcium pills or something. but definately get it fixed because it could cause some serious decay in time where the chip happened.

  11. ...or just use tooth paste.

  12. could have hit it earlier, dont worry, your dentist can make  aperfect match and itll look fine.

  13. Tooth decay and loss is ussually indicative of meth use? Are you smoking meth?? Get some help!

  14. my tooth chipped too but i just wait until it fell (baby tooth)

  15. well i dont know! sometimes weird things  happen. like when my mom washed a load of whites with Clear!!!!!! laundry soap and there was nothing blue in there but all the clothes came out blue! WTF! i know that has nothing to do with this but if u save the piece of tooth...if u have it???/ the dentist may be able to re-atach it.  but it does'nt mean ur teeth are falling out so that much we know. but i dont know what else to say. i hope i have helped. or at least told a funny story :-]


  16. Your enamel is just a little weak, try getting toothpaste with enamel protection!

  17. My tooth is chipped to, from a more painfull incident though I suggest going to the dentist they file the teeth and put some white stuff on it then it will be good as new!!!!!!!! : ( sorry

  18. you should tell your dentist about it

  19. If it was a baby tooth that's fine because eventually the whole tooth will come out

    if it was a permanent tooth get to your dentist and fast

  20. Part of an article from a dentist:

    For tooth protection ... Avoid poppycock and other malarkey.

    Robert B. Stevenson, DDS, MS

    Last week my mother called for an emergency dental appointment, she just chipped a front tooth while eating bridge candy. I saw her right away and restored it. Three days later, the brand new filling broke.

    "I was eating poppycock," she explained, while I searched through my appointment book for another open slot.

    Let's talk about this for a minute.

    Poppycock is similar to caramel corn & peanut mix, but more like chewing rocks. Other hard candy and snack foods which might damage teeth include peanut brittle, jaw breakers, and Martha Stewart's notorious homemade (overcooked) granola bars.

    Breaking a front tooth can be embarrassing, if not painful, and can cause an inconvenient, last-minute change in plans or schedule. Depending when and where it happens, a dentist might be difficult to find. Children's teeth always seem to get broken right before a big family vacation or trip.

    Biting into hard food is a gamble, like sticking an arm down a dark hole in the ground or into a hollow tree. Who knows what will happen? Inside the hole might be splinters, rusty nails, broken glass, snakes, or a beehive. Why take a chance?

    True, there are some people who chew hard candy all the time and never break any teeth. Likewise, some tobacco smokers live to be 100+ years old. But just because one person gets away with chewing ice cubes many times --doesn't mean their luck will never run out. "Quit while you're ahead" is often good advice for gamblers.

    Instead of biting into hard foods, use a knife and fork. Slice tough meat into thin little pieces, and then enjoy chewing them. Be careful eating frozen desserts, go easy on popcorn, check twice for fishbones, remove buckshot from cooked wild game, de-kabob skewers before eating, and always be on the lookout for many other possible hardluck food surprises.

    From yet another dentist:

    A dentist should check a chipped tooth in case there are cracks or other damage you can't see. A chipped tooth can be repaired using bonding material.

  21. ummmmm drink more milk

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