
A patient comes in with blood type A. what type of blood besides his own can be receive if needed?

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A patient comes in with blood type A. what type of blood besides his own can be receive if needed?




  1. Blood group A individuals have the A antigen on the surface of their RBCs, and blood serum containing IgM antibodies against the B antigen. Therefore, a group A individual can receive blood only from individuals of groups A or O (with A being preferable)

  2. O

  3. O negative. They are the universal donors.

  4. Type O.

  5. My brothers and O type and gives blood all the time, its the only one I know of that will mix with any other blood type, hope this helps, goodluck! :)

  6. Besides A,he can receive O blood group(Universal blood donor)

  7. If they are A+, they can receive blood from A+, A-, O+, or O-.

    If they are A-, they can receive blood from A- or O-.

  8. Definitely TYPE O- the universal type.

    **Red blood cells have complex sugars on their surfaces; it is these sugars that determine whether the blood is type A, B, O, or both A and B. People with type A red blood cells carry antibodies against type B blood cells. If they are given a transfusion of type B red blood cells, their body will attack and kill the cells. Similarly, people with type B blood will mount an immune attack against a transfusion of type A blood.

  9. Whole blood of type A

    Packed red cell of type O, A

    Plasma of type A, AB

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