
A person working with plants may remove apical dominance by doing which of the following?

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Please put an explanation that i can understand, in other words dumb it up for me :)




  1. There is a famous experiment where they chop off the apical meristem of the plant (the top), to inhibit apical dominance. think of it like this: the plant hormine auxin, is produced in the tips Christmas trees, this gives them their triangular shape, by inhibiting the growth of branches so that the further up into the tree you get, the smaller the branches become. if you've ever seen one of these trees without the top part, you would notice that the tree no longer has a triangular shape, but rather is shaped more like a bush. just a big blob of tree with no shape. so by simply cutting off the tip of the tree or somehow inhibiting the flow of auxins another way, you can remove apical dominance.

  2. The meristematic tissue in the apical bud produces auxin (indoleacetic acid) as a signal to cells on the stem to indicate phototropic (the direction of the origin of light) or order to control how cells on the stem elongate and alter the stem direction.

    It was shown that by interfering with the ability of auxin as a plant hormone to diffuse or travel down to these cells that the apical bud could be sliced and a barrier inserted to prevent the flow of auxin.  The plant's phototropic growth response could be altered.  The same effect can be done by removing the apical bud or meristem.

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