I was at a girl's house for July 4, 2008 to celebrate.The motor for my window is slow and needs to be replaced, I just havent had time.So, It started to rain and I mentioned that I needed to go outside to roll my window up.The girl who lives at the house said I could put my car in her garage. When we got outside there was someone else's car in front of the garage door; however there was some space that if you were an excellent driver you might could have gotten through that space, I however didnt feel that I could get through that space so I said "I dont think that I can make it through" Long story short...I gave her my keys because she said she would move it and I said "nevermind let me go get Leslie to move her car" and in the mean time the girl who's house we were at drove my car and now my car has over $3,000 worth of damage to it and I only have Liability so, her or her parents have to pay full