
A place to live in AUSTRALIA?

by Guest62040  |  earlier

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I currently live on king island, off tasmania, with my fiance, brother, sister inlaw, mother and father. for the past few years my dad has been acting up because his father doesnt want us to have anything to do with him. he has been stealing money from my mother (totaling over 200000 $$) he has been abusing her verbally and bringing her down.

I'm sick of my mum coming to me in tears because of him. he tries to rassion the food her and my brother eat to save money. so they come to my house just to eat normal food (the practically live here) my brothers gf(fiance) is moving back from WA in a week and she is scared of how he will act.

My grandfather has offered us $200 000 for a house anywhere out of tasmania. to get us away from my father because my grandfather doesnt accept my mother, my brother or me.


Mum- dads 1st wife killed their daughter and when my granddad 1st met mum he said she was no different.

Bro- because he isnt dads real son

me- bcoz im like mum




  1. sorry 2 hear tat,,,

    south australia is an excellent place to live would reccomend it to anyone...plenty of costal properties but depends if you want city or rural to price...

  2. Tamworth.

    Highly recommendable.

    U'd luv it.

    Sry 2 hear that by the way.



  3. Maybe if you look for towns with an altas/ map and look them up on the Internet, a lot of towns/Shire Councils have their own websites with local information and directories.  Maybe somewhere on the north coast of NSW would be nice (and a fair way from King Island), but not sure what real estate prices are like - maybe you can get houses there for such prices that are not in flood zones.  Good luck, hope things go well for your family.

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