
A plane crashes on the United States - Canada border. Where are the survivors buried?

by  |  earlier

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Here are the options:

A-) U.S.A

B-) Canada

C-) They don't

So, what do you think and why?




  1. d-) Mexico!!

  2. C. You don't bury the living. Survivors.

  3. Will not burried.......  becouse survivors are still alive

  4. they all buried in love for Iran heart

    because she is dead heart

  5. C) How can you bury a survivor?

  6. United States of Canada?

  7. if you said victims then i would have thought about it but survivors!! u want to kill them??

  8. survivers are not burried but if you wish to burry them naturally they are burried BENEATH THE EARTH

  9. WOW This is one of the most overused riddle in the history of riddles. Seriously? why did you even post this.

  10. Wherever they wish to be buried. Since they survived the crash, they have years to decide -- but they will die eventually!

  11. C-) They don't

    Survivors aren't buried, they're still alive :)

  12. c you dont bury survivors

    well you could but that would be rude!  

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