
A plane crashing:20people onboard including god.he tells everyone to jump and that he will save them.

by Guest67018  |  earlier

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to jump with no parachutes and noone knows its god.(he just looks like everyone else) would the people that didnt show blind faith and jump go to h**l for eternity.and if he did get all the sheeple to jump and there was a rapist and paedophile amongst them, would he save them or let them die after his judgement.




  1. Dear GOD, please bring the Air plane back to serviceable. then we don't need to jump either to the h**l or to the heaven.  

  2. The answer to that question lye's with God himself.  No human can answer it.  But in my opinion, he would save them all because God loves everyone, no matter what there life is like.  And I dont believe he would send the people to h**l for not jumping.

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