
A planet without an axil tilt would______?

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A planet without an axil tilt would______?




  1. There would be no seasonal changes unless the elliptical orbit were greatly exaggerated.  And throughout the year the hours of daylight would equal the hours of nighttime.  General weather patterns would be far more stable and predictable.

  2. have no seasons

  3. Have sun always over the equator.

  4. It would have no changes in season.

  5. dougger you left out the poles would be very cold all the time and the equator would be very hot. Of corse how hot they get would depend on how much energy they would be exposed to, and there could be large weather changes if the rotation were slow or maybe no atmosphere or a light atmosphere. Also if it rotated too slowly there would be no magnetic poles, so if closer than say Mars, the Sun's solar winds would blow any atmosphere away.

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