
A player's dad plays at our high school open gym?

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There's this player that's a year younger than me. He's only in 8th grade and he comes to our high school open gym. He's not supposed to be there, but to make it worse, he brings his dad and his dad plays also. The only adults that are supposed to be there are the coaches and he's not a coach. His dad yells at us for missing a shot or something and we can't take it anymore. What do we need to do? The coaches aren't allowed to say anything, they're just there to watch.





  2. Isn't there some sort of school official you can report him to? If the gym is part of school property and that player and his father aren't supposed to be there, you can report them for trespassing.

  3. What do you have to lose? Tell him to stick it where the sunshine don't shine, if he isn't supposed to be there. If he tells you how to play , tell him if you want advice and pointers you will ask ,otherwise mind his own. Parents like that irritate me , i am a parent to 3 boys and I have raised them not to let anyone discourage them in any way, You can pass a vibe without saying a word to let people know, they don't affect you.

  4. I'd ask him to leave- and give him your reasons. If not, talk to the coach, or your councellors.

    Don't be affraid to talk to the adults in charge.

    ... the guy sounds like a jerk anyway...

  5. If ur coaches dont say anything then I guess they can be there.

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