
A poem: Do you get the meaning?

by  |  earlier

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Acrostic reporter

Recently discovered

Entirely by accident, a


Of not such fine nature

Reporting's the name of his game

To him it's such fun

Even euphoric, the power of

Reporting and pasting the rules

Can you imagine such a


Exists? Hear

My warning, friends




  1. yea

  2. Why do so many people answer a question with a question?

    I thought it was very cute.

  3. "Hi!"

    Sorry to destroy such a great acrostic by saying who is Reporter Clem. I have never heared of him. though if I ever hear that he is in my stay quite clear of him and run for the hills.

    WELL DONE! : )

  4. Who is Reporter Clem?

    The first letter of the sentences. :-)

  5. Jimmy Olson, cub reporter...?

    Don't let imaginary people get to you...use your fly swatter...

  6. dearest friend clem

    to know you know

    how to copy paste

    heartens me

    too bad your skills

    are so limited!

    How's that, not a fine acrostic like yours though!

  7. I gotcha Reenie.  Sounds like old Clem is a cut and paster time waster.

  8. Ah, the tlot phickens!

  9. i get it. ur talented!

  10. Clems just hanging on by his little Clem nails.

  11. Reporter Clem is a yahoo answers user!!!!!!!!!!!

    lol this is coool!

  12. yes it sort of encapsulates most of the gutter press we find under the stones these days.includes the papperatsy(spelt wrong sorry)

  13. reporter clem?

    I don't get it.

  14. talking about bush and his crew

  15. Reporter Clem is a yahoo answers user!  He's a troll, I think.

  16. it sounds like revenage to me

  17. Oh yes I do my friend

    The sad thing about it all

    You'll  get him in the end

    And he will miss the fall.

    Laughing down, down he goes

    Not knowing it is him

    Such a stupid soul

    Now his lights are going dim.

    Goodbye, goodbye

    nice meeting you here

    I'll remember you a little while

    But I don't think I'll shed a tear.


  18. Thank you for the information.  I like the poem also.

  19. Do we have another troll on the horizon? Great, I manage to ditch the Lylac and someone else appears. We're with you girl, stand strong against the tide!

  20. I get your message, so well put!

    But this here Clem, I have over looked.

    I shall now be more alert.

  21. I hear ya ...

  22. Thanks for the warning. I hear you.  It's hard to play with trolls, the buggers have nasty teeth!

  23. Very good acrostic poem! I hear your warning.

  24. Roll

    The trolls


    The trash.


    Our work


    won't bash.

    BTW, tell your marine that you now know someone related to Presley Neville O'Bannon.  Check his reaction.  He was one of my ancestors.

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