
A poem about one who claims my loyalty, your comments?

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My foreign love is a lady

Who speaks to me in whispers

Of love, respect, compassion, trust

She cries but never whimpers

Her concern for all that's just

My foreign love is a lady

My foreign love is a lady

In English fine and lovely French

She speaks Inuit and Cree

Each language as her own

Japanese and Korean

As well by her are known

My foreign love is a lady

Unlike her native sister here

Who took my vows freely given

And played the w***e and broke

Them with vanity and pride

Dishonoured and denied

My foreign love is a lady

She owned her sister's due

Faithful remained with humility

Exiles maintained through martyrdom

Not maintaining right by might

My foreign love is a lady

Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux;

Car ton bras sait porter l'épée,

Il sait porter la croix!

My lady is my love indeed

And although I'm foreign

By her love I'm freed

Et par l'effort de son génie,

Sur notre sol asseoir la vérité.

© December 14, 2007 Albert K. Jungers All rights reserved




  1. My French is really bad. Something about repairing the floors?

  2. It's beautifully musical.

    I take it the French must be read avec un accent québécois!

  3. I believe this is talking about the love of the land or more precise the love of France! Not exactly sure but this is what my interpretation was! Cheers!

    LOL TD Very funny comment!

    Could it be the love of Canada--like in French Candian?  Geez now I am confused?

  4. It is lovely, in English and in French. I have been to Canada; you seem to feel about her as I feel about my Island. But this is special and I'm not going to translate. (It is worth going to a dictionary, people).

  5. It falls together very well, flows smoothly, sounded very awesome together.

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