
A poem on "If", your comments please?

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If,Then, If...then, If then,

What if otherwise willed

Our ifs should end

And chance's cup be filled?

If was yesterday's sake

I cannot now recall

When I that turn did take

And other options did forestall.

An if's potential we see

Not yet an actual this

As if an if could be

Other than the if that is.

The if that is tomorrow

Is in today's hand,

With joy or further sorrow,

Not in some distant land.

A wish seen in dreams

To see another day

Becomes what it seems

The "If" as we say.

My if became today,

There's no other if at play.

© December 20, 2007 Albert K. Jungers All rights reserved.




  1. if and only if... hahahahaha

  2. NO,this is not a poem but a jumble of words, keep trying you may get it if you make sense, you have a great idea though, just needs to make sense

  3. like it!

  4. that's nice =)

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